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Kuschelweich Laundry Perfume Fragrance Beads Magic Freshness 275g

Kuschelweich Laundry Perfume Fragrance Beads Magic Freshness is a unique product that transforms your laundry experience. These fragrance beads not only provide freshness to your clothes but also ensure a long-lasting scent. Using the fragrance beads is extremely simple: just add the desired amount to the washing machine along with your detergent, and enjoy the magical freshness that lingers after every wash.

Key Features:
  • Long-lasting scent for your clothes
  • Easy to use, just add to the wash
  • Fresh and clean feeling every time

Kuschelweich Laundry Perfume Fragrance Beads are especially recommended for those who love fresh and clean scents and want their clothes to stay fragrant long after washing. The 275g size is sufficient for you to enjoy freshness for a long time. Try it out and experience the difference!
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